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We shape the future of healthcare with
3D printing

3D printing for surgical applications

Cutting-edge solutions enhancing patients' care

Streamline medical processes

3D bioprinting for medical applications

What we offer

We are revolutionising healthcare by providing cutting-edge 3D-printed solutions that will improve patients' care, streamline medical processes, and advance research.

Our services for dentistry


We offer state-of-the-art solutions for dentistry and orthodontics, including 3D printing of dental crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and surgical guides.


Our team of experts works closely with dentists to ensure that every patient receives the highest-quality dental care possible, with fast and convenient 3D printing services that improve the quality of patient care and shorten treatment times.

Our services for hospitals


We provide 3D printing of various anatomical models with fine features, which can be used for the preparation of demanding surgical interventions, as well as for increasing patient awareness (it can positively influence their consent to the upcoming operation).


Our goal is to revolutionise surgical procedures and offer hospitals and healthcare providers innovative 3D printing services that streamline medical processes and accelerate complicated surgeries. 

Our research services


We focus on the latest trends in the field of 3D bioprinting of various biomaterials for medical and cosmetic applications.


We provide 3D bioprinting services to research institutions and companies that need the latest technology to explore new frontiers in medicine and to develop innovative treatments and therapies that will ensure progressive development in this field and improve the availability and quality of healthcare worldwide.


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Projekt „Vývoj systému 3D tisku implantátů pro veterinární aplikace“ (OLP/3365/2023) byl podpořen z rozpočtu Libereckého kraje.

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